
Горячие клавиши

  • Ctrl + a + ? - Показать команды
                                           Screen key bindings, page 1 of 2.
                                        Command key:  ^A   Literal ^A:  a
    break       ^B b           history     { }            other       ^A             split       S         
    clear       C              info        i              pow_break   B              suspend     ^Z z      
    colon       :              kill        K k            pow_detach  D              time        ^T t      
    copy        ^[ [           lastmsg     ^M m           prev        ^H ^P p ^?     title       A         
    detach      ^D d           license     ,              quit        \              vbell       ^G        
    digraph     ^V             lockscreen  ^X x           readbuf     <              version     v         
    displays    *              log         H              redisplay   ^L l           width       W         
    dumptermcap .              login       L              remove      X              windows     ^W w      
    fit         F              meta        a              removebuf   =              wrap        ^R r      
    flow        ^F f           monitor     M              reset       Z              writebuf    >         
    focus       ^I             next        ^@ ^N sp n     screen      ^C c           xoff        ^S s      
    hardcopy    h              number      N              select      '              xon         ^Q q      
    help        ?              only        Q              silence     _         
                                          Screen key bindings, page 2 of 2.
    ^]   paste .
    "    windowlist -b
    -    select -
    0    select 0
    1    select 1
    2    select 2
    3    select 3
    4    select 4
    5    select 5
    6    select 6
    7    select 7
    8    select 8
    9    select 9
    I    login on
    O    login off
    ]    paste .
    |    split -v
    :kB: focus prev